This was a group project; we were tasked with creating a futuristic brand around a pre-chosen body part. I worked alongside Jack Dawson and Matthew Duke. their websites links are below. We chose to focus heavily on technology that could actually be developed. This resulted in our product, called OPTIC, used holographic technology. Next, we looked at who would produce this, our final brand name is iris
Using clean lines in a sleek logo, we have created a brand which exudes perfection and equilibrium. We have used a light blue to add a clinical emphasis to the product; this helps to reassure the audience. Our brand guide shows innovation and security in the manner in which it opens. It also features a simple infographic system that describes how our brand needs to be shown. Our packaging further drives home iris’ revolution; a basic cylinder shows the OPTIC and OPTIC Band instantly. It opens with a perforation around the top and the lens-like folded lid falls backward. There is a smaller cylinder inside the larger, which would act as a platform for the OPTIC. Lastly our brand pack. It consists of an About Us card, our triple-layer business card, two iris stickers and an OPTIC Set-up card